Graduate Catalog

This is a record of graduate programs, courses, and policies as of July 2024. Changes that occur after the July publication date will be included in the next catalog.


Welcome and thank you for your interest in the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. UWL offers over twenty graduate programs, from the hard sciences to the health professions, from business to education and the social sciences. We are proud of our innovation and the opportunities provided for close interaction with excellent faculty through coursework, research, and practical experiences both on campus and in the community. Our focus is on the delivery of high quality experiences that prepare individuals both for careers in their fields and for further education at the doctorate level.

The College of Science and Health, the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, the College of Business Administration, and the School of Education are all involved in graduate education. Many of our courses and programs are offered on campus in traditional formats. We also have a growing number of courses and degrees delivered to students off campus through both online courses and face-to-face courses delivered in communities across the State of Wisconsin.

Our graduate faculty members are committed to providing high quality, innovative, and challenging opportunities for personal and professional development. We offer a learning environment that places students at the leading edge of their fields and prepares them for continued success.

We look forward to you joining us as you continue your formal education. I invite you to explore the graduate studies webpage or visit us in person in 205 Morris Hall for more information.

Meredith Thomsen
Dean, Graduate & Extended Learning

The mission of graduate studies at UWL

A graduate education at UW-La Crosse fosters in students an advanced understanding of disciplinary and professional content, along with skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, leadership, and communication. Graduate faculty and students embody the Wisconsin Idea by working together, often one-on-one or with community partners, on projects that serve the current needs of society. The close interactions between students and faculty promote student learning and benefit faculty members by enhancing their teaching, research and service. During their time at UW-La Crosse, students develop as ethical professionals and as members of a diverse workforce. Graduates are prepared to contribute to society by advancing in their professions or by seeking further education.

About this catalog

In compiling our catalog, we have used the most current and accurate information available to us at this time. However, we reserve the right to change any of the information in this catalog at any time and without giving prior notice. When the Universities of Wisconsin or UWL campus deletes or revises any of the information in this catalog, the changes take effect as soon as it is appropriate. At times, changes are applicable to all students regardless of which catalog they are following.

This catalog does not establish or constitute a contract between UW-La Crosse and its students. Instead, it provides descriptive and summary information outlining university rules, policies, regulations, course listings, and degree programs. It is important for students to become acquainted with UWL requirements and regulations and to continue to keep informed about them while they are enrolled.

Courses listed in this catalog are subject to change through normal academic procedures. New programs and courses and changes in existing coursework are initiated by departments or programs and approved by the appropriate academic dean, the curriculum committees, and the faculty senate. Additions to the curriculum for the ensuing years are published in the official curriculum committee minutes which are on file with Faculty Senate and in the Office of Records and Registration.