Submitting and Completing Your SOPHAS Application

Before you submit your application, be aware of the following:

Fee Assistance Program

Check the SOPHAS Application Fees section before submitting to see if you qualify for the available Fee Assistance Programs.

Ranking Your Programs

If you apply to more than one program, you must rank your programs in your preferred order of acceptance. Note the following:

To rank your programs:

  1. Go to the Submit Application tab and click Submit All.
  2. Enter your coupon codes, if applicable, and click Continue.
  3. Click and drag each program into the desired order. Click the checkbox to confirm you ranked your programs in your preferred order. Then, click Continue.
  4. Enter your payment details. See Submitting Your Payment for more information.

Submitting Your Payment

When you are ready to submit your application, go to the Submit Application tab and click Submit. Payments can only be made in the application via a credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Credit card payments cannot be made over the phone.

Once you submit your application and payment, click View Payment History for each program on the Submit Application page to confirm your payment's receipt.

Refund Policy

Because your designated programs have access to your information as soon as you submit your application, no refunds can be issued for any reason (this includes missed deadlines and programs no longer accepting applicants).

Before submitting your application, you are prompted to review and agree to the SOPHAS Release Statement. This agreement includes a clause about the refund policy. As an applicant, it's your responsibility to complete your application correctly, monitor the status of your application, ensure all required materials are received and posted to the application, respond to all notifications in a timely manner, and adhere to the deadline requirements posted by each program to which you have applied. Additionally, keep in mind that programs review applications and fill seats throughout the application cycle and may not notify SOPHAS that their class is full. We recommend contacting your programs before applying to confirm available seats.

After Submitting

You'll receive a confirmation email acknowledging that your application was submitted. Note that submitting does not mean your application is being reviewed by your programs. Depending on what materials were already received, submitting changes your application status from "In-Progress" to "Received" or "Complete."

Completing Your Application

Your application must be considered "complete" to be placed in line for verification. In general, an application is complete when:

Note that your selected programs may have specific requirements for completion (i.e., supplemental applications, official transcripts, document uploads, etc.). We recommend contacting your programs directly to ensure you are meeting all requirements. Failure to submit all required materials may jeopardize your eligibility for admission consideration. Review each program's homepage to ensure you are meeting all requirements.

Verifications occur in chronological order and can take up to 10 business days to complete. Once your application is verified, you will receive a notification and your application's status will change to Verified.

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